
Displaying 951 - 975 of 2436 records
Harry Pease Woodbury Progress Card
Date of Entry:

Progress card of Harry Pease (here Harry) Woodbury, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on June 2, 1906.

National Archives and Records Administration
Harry Pease Woodbury Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Harry Pease Woodbury, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on June 2, 1906 and departed on June 6, 1910.

National Archives and Records Administration
Charles McDonald Progress Card
Date of Entry:

Progress card of Charles (here Charlie) McDonald, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on August 30, 1906.

Note: Although this card shows an arrival date of September, the admissions ledger and his file suggest that he actually arrived on August 30.

National Archives and Records Administration
Charles McDonald Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Charles McDonald, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on August 30, 1906, graduated in 1912, and ultimately departed on May 28, 1912. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains trade/position record cards, returned student surveys, an outing record,…

National Archives and Records Administration
Charles McDonald Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Charles McDonald, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on August 30, 1906 and ultimately departed on May 28, 1912. The file indicates that McDonald graduated in 1912 and attended the Haskell Institute in 1914.

National Archives and Records Administration
Adeline Boutang Progress Card
Date of Entry:

Progress card of Adeline Boutang, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 23, 1906.

National Archives and Records Administration
Adeline Boutang Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Adeline Boutang, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 23, 1906, and ultimately departed on June 24, 1912. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, a photograph, medical/physical records, applications for enrollment, a…

National Archives and Records Administration
Adeline Boutang Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Adeline Boutang, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 23, 1906 and ultimately departed on June 24, 1912. The file indicates Boutang was living in Cass Lake, Minnesota in 1913.

Note: Students Adeline Boutang and Nellie Boutang were probably sisters. 


National Archives and Records Administration
Charles Laquier (Ne sho id) Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Charles Lequier, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 23, 1906 and departed on June 21, 1911. The file contains a medical/physical record, an application for enrollment, a progress/conduct card, a student information card, a report after leaving, and a returned student survey that indicates…

National Archives and Records Administration
Charles Laquier Progress Card
Date of Entry:

Progress card of Charles Laquiiere (here Laquiere), a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 23, 1906.

National Archives and Records Administration
Charles Laquier Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Charles Laquier, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 23, 1906 and departed on June 21, 1911. The file indicates Laquier was living in Cass Lake, Minnesota in 1913.


National Archives and Records Administration
Claudia McDonald Progress Card
Date of Entry:

Progress card of Claudia McDonald (here Claudie McDonald), a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 23, 1906.

National Archives and Records Administration
Claudia McDonald Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Claudia McDonald, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 23, 1906, graduated in 1908, and departed on April 14, 1908.

In school documentation Claudia McDonald's name is also spelled Claudie McDonald. Her married name is Claudia Frochtenberg (Mrs. Leonard J. Frochtenberg).

National Archives and Records Administration
Claudia McDonald Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Claudia McDonald, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 23, 1906 and departed on April 14, 1908. The file indicates that McDonald graduated in 1908 and was living in Chemawa, Oregon in 1915.

National Archives and Records Administration
Frank Laquier (Ke che in no diu) Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Frank Laquier, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 23, 1906 and departed on June 21, 1911. The file contains a student information card, an application for enrollment, a medical/physical record, an outing record, a progress/conduct card, a report after leaving, and a returned student survey that…

National Archives and Records Administration
Frank Laquier Progress Card
Date of Entry:

Progress card of Frank Laquier (here Laquiere), a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 23, 1906.

National Archives and Records Administration
Frank Laquier Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Frank Laquier, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 23, 1906 and departed on June 21, 1911. The file indicates Laquier was living in Walker, Minnesota in 1913.


National Archives and Records Administration
James Hunter (Day bish co way we sung) Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of James Hunter, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 23, 1906 and departed on June 21, 1911. The file contains a student information card, a progress/conduct card, a medical/physical record, and an application for enrollment.

In school documentation James Hunter is also known as Day bish co…

National Archives and Records Administration
James Hunter Progress Card
Date of Entry:

Progress card of James Hunter, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 23, 1906.

National Archives and Records Administration
James Hunter Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of James Hunter, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 23, 1906 and departed on June 21, 1911.


National Archives and Records Administration
Margery Flemming Progress Card
Date of Entry:

Progress card of Margery Flemming (here Marjory Fleming), a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 23, 1906.

National Archives and Records Administration
Margery Flemming Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Margery Flemming, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 23, 1906 and departed on February 28, 1910. The file contains student information cards, an application for enrollment, a progress/conduct card, a trade/position record card, an outing record, former student response postcards, correspondence…

National Archives and Records Administration
Margery Flemming Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Margery Flemming (here Fleming), a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 23, 1906 and departed on February 28, 1910. The file indicates Flemming was married and living in Deer River, Minnesota in 1913.

National Archives and Records Administration
Ruth Lydick Progress Card
Date of Entry:

Progress card of Ruth Lydick, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 23, 1906.

National Archives and Records Administration
Ruth Lydick Student File
Date of Entry:

Student File of Ruth Lydick, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 23, 1906 and ultimately departed on June 3, 1911. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, an application for enrollment, medical/physical records, a former student…

National Archives and Records Administration