Postcard (Commercial)

Displaying 51 - 55 of 55 records
color image; in foreground a large group of young men pull equipment, in the background is the large girls quarters with a few young women and girls on the porch and nearby

The caption on the front of the postcard reads: Carlisle, Pa., Large Girls Quarters and Fire Department, Indian School.

The postcard was addressed to Mr. Piersan Krat, Dillsburg, Pa. R. F. D. No. 1. The message reads: "Dear Father and Aunt, I received the barle allright and have the most of it put up. I have been a lone…

Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; view of campus looking southeast from the new entrance, road over water is in the foreground to the right, in the background to the left is the [smokestack] and surrounding buildings, in the background to the right is the housing for staff

The caption on the front of the postcard reads: General View, Indian School, CARLISLE, Pa. There is also a few handwritten words on the front: "Nov. 10, 1911. Luddlow Bbs, P. I."

The postcard was addressed to Corpl. J. E. Bryan, Co. A. 21 St. Iny Manila P. I. and reads "Newburg, Pa. yous letter received a few days ago…

Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; view of the school grounds from perspective of the academic building towards the quarters, the trees have no leaves, in the foreground is a set of students arranged in tight rows (they are in color), the sky closest to the horizon has been painted pink, the rest is blue with faint clouds

The caption on the front of the postcard reads: Carlisle, Pa., Indian School, Parade Grounds and Buildings.

The postcard was addressed to Miss Hazel Witter, Shippensburg, Pa. The message reads "From your loving teacher Miss Russell".


Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; view of the road leading up to the art studio (on the left) and staff housing (on the right), just inside the entrance gate on this side of campus. The image has been colorized with a peach and blue sky

The caption on the front of the postcard reads: Leupp Art Studio and Main Entrance, Indian School, CARLISLE, Pa.

It was sent to Mrs. Catharine Freeland, Newport, Perry Co., Pa.

The message reads "Dear Aunt Kate, I will send you a card I arived safe, Sarah and Saide met me at the train! Sarah has got right good agane…

Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; a large group of male students stand on the green in front of the band stand, the front set carry instruments, in the background in the dining hall and girls' quarters; reproduced (and cropped) from photograph circa 1907

The caption on the front of the postcard reads: Carlisle, Pa. Band and Battlion. Indian School.

The card has been addressed to Mr. Fred Bachman, Hazelton, Pa. The message reads: "I am glad to hear from you. There is a vacant chair in S. S. I hope it will soon be occupied by you. H. W. K."


Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections