Studio portrait of Albert Sitting Eagle.
Glass Plate Negative
Studio portrait of Alexander Manabove, Albert Sitting Eagle, and John Runninghorse.
Studio portrait of Annette Suisson and Naomi Merkel.
Portrait of school baseball team with C.I.T.S. on front of their uniforms, with white coach or teacher in center.
The caption for the Cumberland County Historical Society version of this image identifies it as the 1892 team.
Studio portrait of Ben Harrison, John Morrison, Charles Dubray, and Martin Round Face, posed holding Indian clubs.
Studio portrait of Charlotte Wilson.
Studio portrait of Chauncey Yellow Robe (Timber Yellow Robe) wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of David Sku-vi-uk wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of a male student, possibly David Tipsico.
Studio portrait of Felix Iron Eagle Feather.
Studio portrait of Florence Miller.
Studio portrait of Frank Everett.
Studio portrait of George Conner (seated on the right) and Charles Wright.
Studio portrait of Hattie Long Wolf (sitting at left), Celinda Metoxen (standing in center), and Nellie Carey (sitting at right), all wearing school uniforms.
Studio portrait of Henry Old Eagle, George Running Horse, and Samuel Flying Horse.
Studio portrait of Hebert Good Boy.
Studio portrait of Herbert Good Boy (back row at left) , Robert Horse (back row at right), William Crazy Bull (front row at left), and Charles Smith (front row at right). Crazy Bull is holding a framed portrait of a woman.
Studio photo of Ida Johnson.
Studio portrait of James King (left) and Louis King (right).
Studio portrait of James Waldo.
Studio portrait of Joseph Morrison (left) and James R. Wheelock (right).
Group portrait of the Juniors baseball team, with white coach or teacher in center. Both the uniforms and the caption identify them as the Juniors, one of several baseball teams at the school.
The caption for the Cumberland County Historical Society version of this image identifies them as the 1892 team.
Portrait of a large group of young male and female students posed on the steps of a brick building. The caption identifies them as "Miss Coony's Class."
School records show a teacher named Carrie Cory in 1892.
Portrait of a large group of male students in front of YMCA building, presumably the members of the YMCA.
On the Cumberland County Historical Society's print of this image the date 1892 is written along the side.
Studio portrait of Levi St. Cyr.