Outdoor group portrait of members of 20 men and 25 women, identified as the faculty of the school in 1917. Wallace Denny is in the front row
Photograph, Reproduction

The caption reads: Lieut. S. C. LONG-LANCE
Sylvester C. Long Lance in military uniform.
This image of Sylvester Long Lance appears in an article in the New York World on February 25, 1917.

The top caption reads: Sylvester Chahuska Long Lance, a full-blooded Cherokee Indian, college graduate and champion athlete, now First Lieutenant of "Princess Pat's," who fought at Vimy Ridge, at present lies severely wounded in a base hospital, "somewhere in France."
The bottom caption reads: Cadet Long Lance,…

The caption reads: Pete Calac
The headline reads: Will Lead Wesleyan
The article begins: Pete Calac, the famous Indian football player who has played on the West Virginia Wesleyan team for the past two seasons, was selected last night by his team mates, at the annual football banquet which…

The headline reads: Indian Athlete To Quit Game
The caption reads: JIM THORPE.
Jim Thorpe in a suit and tie wearing a hat.

The headline reads: Indian Officer in Army
The caption reads: CAPTAIN "GUS" WELSH
The article reads: "Gus" Welsh, Indian athlete and graduate of Carlisle school, who has been made a captain in the United States, cavalry, is the first Indian…

The headline reads: American Indians with Allies
The article reads: New York Sun: Gus Welsh, at left, is the first American Indian to be made a captain in the United States army. He was a former Carlisle and Dickinson football and athletic star. A feature of the fortieth annual commencement of the Carlisle Indian…

The caption reads: "JIM" THORPE was the greatest All-American football team ever devised. When he played with Carlisle a dozen years ago, there was no real defense against his vicious rushes, and hte player whom he tackled generally woke up some hours afterward, with the question, "How many were killed?" on his lips. Jim went from…

The caption reads: These two young women, one an Indian and the other a Japanese are working for the $150,000 fund being raised for the Home from Christian Workers of the…

The caption reads: SYLVESTER C. LONG-LANCE
This image of Sylvester C. Long-Lance appears in an article of the New York Herald on June 21, 1919.

The caption reads: THREE VIEWS OF JIM THORPE
Jim Thorpe shown running, throwing the shot in the shot put, and the in the middle of the long jump.

View of Son of the Star.
As this image is a copied photograph of an original photographic print, the format is "Photograph, Reproduction." It is possible that John N. Choate had an original photograph from another photographer that he wished to copy, or that his own original negative was damaged, and that he needed to make another…

The headline reads: Honorary Greenway Referee
The caption reads: The stocky man ictured yeing the stop-watch once was referred to by a king as "the greatest athlete the world has ever known". Previously, one of America's outstanding gridiron coaches called him "the greatest football player that ever lived". He is…

The caption reads: DISTRICT SCHOOLBOYS HONORED - Three football playing teen-agers from Washington were among the many football stars honored at last night's Touchdown Club banquet at the Hotel Statler, receiving their awards from Jim Thorpe, sports star of another era. Left to right they were: Leo Speros, Wilson High School back;…