Richard Henry Pratt requests that Annie Lockwood be given the position of Assistant Matron at the Keams Canyon School and provides information about her enrollment at Carlisle.
Fort Lewis Indian School

Richard Henry Pratt requests that Walter Taylor and wife be transferred from Fort Lewis to Carlisle Indian School if approved by Supervisor Dixon.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards the request of Daisy C. Laird for a position as a grade school teacher at the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt recommends her transfer from Fort Lewis due to other staff transfers.

Richard Henry Pratt advises the Commissioner of the Indian Affairs of the need for several new teachers. Pratt also informs the Commissioner that Daisy C. Laird (teacher) is interested in transferring to Carlisle and wants to take a leave of absence before reporting for duty.

Richard Henry Pratt requests that Daisy C. Laird be transferred to the Carlisle Indian School and placed in charge of the small boys.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a circular being distributed at Taos, New Mexico related to an article in the Denver Post accusing employees at the Fort Lewis Indian School of sexual misconduct, drunkenness, and other actions for which nothing was done.