March 18-31, 1913
Acting Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry A. M. Farrington informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that they tested the cattle herd at the Carlisle Indian School for tuberculosis in January, 1913. Of 46 total cows, 34 were healthy. The remaining 12 were slaughtered in Harrisburg and postmortem examination confirmed the test results that indicated tuberculosis. Farrington notes that this is an unacceptably high percentage of unhealthy cows and recommends that the cattle barn at Carlisle be thoroughly cleaned and that no new cattle be purchased without a tuberculosis test.
Acting Commissioner F. H. Abbott relays Farrington's findings to Superintendent Moses Friedman and directs him to follow Farrington's recommendations.
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National Archives and Records Administration
RG 75, CCF Entry 121, #36102-1913-Carlisle-733