Acting Chief of Bureau A. M. Farrington relays Dr. B. T. Woodward's findings from his investigation, which the Secretary of the Interior ordered, of the Carlisle Indian School's cattle herd. Farrington states that in October 1908, 23/71 cows had tuberculosis compared to 20 cows in June 1907. Farrington argues that this increase is the result of…
Farrington, A. M.

Acting Chief of Bureau of Animal Industry A. M. Farrington informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that he will send a veterinarian to test the Carlisle Indian School cows for tuberculosis if he so desires.
Acting Commissioner F. H. Abbott informs Farrington that he would like the cattle tested.

Acting Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry A. M. Farrington asks if the Bureau of Indian Affairs would like the Carlisle Indian School's cattle herd tested for tuberculosis.
Second Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Hauke informs Chief of the Bureau A. D. Melvin that he would like an inspector from his department to test…

Superintendent Moses Friedman asks the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry to send a veterinarian to inspect Carlisle's dairy herd, noting that they built a new dairy barn based on his suggestions. Acting Chief A. M. Farrington orders an inspector to test the herd.

Acting Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry A. M. Farrington informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that they tested the cattle herd at the Carlisle Indian School for tuberculosis in January, 1913. Of 46 total cows, 34 were healthy. The remaining 12 were slaughtered in Harrisburg and postmortem examination confirmed the test results that…