February 14 - March 7, 1913
These materials include correspondence related to the enrollment of Edward Woods. Woods, orphaned as a child, spent a number of years drifting across the United States before ending up in Baltimore, where he was picked up as a vagrant and taken in by the Federated Charities of Baltimore. C.V. Stinchecum, the Assistant Chief of the Education Division of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and Siceni Nori, Clerk of the Carlisle Indian School, escorted Woods to Carlisle. Woods was enrolled upon reporting that his father was either Mohawk or Mohave, and his mother Mexican.
Note: In this file the student is identified as Edward Woods and Edward Brown.
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Enrollment of Edward Woods845.04 KB
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National Archives and Records Administration
RG 75, CCF Entry 121, #20480-1913-Carlisle-820