Student file of Ovilla Azure, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on November 10, 1910, graduated in 1915, and ultimately departed on April 19, 1918. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains a progress/conduct card, trade/position record cards, student information cards, applications for enrollment, a returned student survey, medical/physical records, outing records, financial transactions, and correspondence. The file indicates Azure was at the Ford Motor Co. on the outing program in 1917 and 1918 and was living in Highland Park, Michigan in 1918.
In school documentation Ovilla Azure's name is also spelled Ovilla Azuri, Oliva Azure, Orvilla Azure, Orville Azure, and Avilla Azure.
Note: Students Ovilla Azure and Patrick Azure were brothers.