Student file of Ida Powlas, a member of the Oneida Nation, who entered the school on September 13, 1884, graduated in 1894, and ultimately departed on March 5, 1894. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains a photograph, student information cards, returned student surveys, a former student response postcards, a report after leaving, and correspondence. The file indicates Powlas was an assistant seamstress and a teacher in the Indian Service, a farmer in Mission, Wisconsin in 1907, and a housekeeper in West DePere, Wisconsin in 1916.
In school documentation Ida Powlas is also known as Ida Cornelius. Her married name is Ida Powlas Wheelock (Mrs. Benjamin F. Wheelock) or Ida E. Wheelock or Mrs. Ben Wheelock.
Note: Although this card indicates that Powlas reentered the school on August 16, 1889, other records show that she had first enrolled at Carlisle on September 13, 1884.