Student file of Emily Peake, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 23, 1890, graduated in 1893, and departed on March 6, 1893. The file contains student information cards, returned student surveys, financial transactions, a report after leaving, and correspondence. The file indicates Peake attended the State Normal School at Winona, Minnesota, kept roomers in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1907, keeping house for family in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1909, and was the secretary of Carlisle Alumni Association working at the Indian Office in Washington, D. C. in 1918.
In school documentation Emily Peake is also known as Emily E. Peake. Her married name Emily Peake Robitaille (Mrs. Ernest Robitaille), also spelled Emily P. Robitaille, E. P. Robitaille, and Emily Robitaille.