Student file of Vivian Hughes, a member of the Chickasaw Nation, who entered the school on September 4, 1915 and departed on December 7, 1915. The file contains student information cards, an application for enrollment, and correspondence. The file indicates that Hughes was a graduate of the Chilocco Indian School and living in Milburn, Oklahoma…

Student information card of Vivian Hughes, a member of the Chickasaw Nation, who entered the school on September 4, 1915 and departed on December 7, 1915.

Student file of William B. Page, a member of the Choctaw Nation, who entered the school on September 4, 1915 and departed on September 13, 1915. The file contains a student information card, an application for enrollment, and correspondence.
In school documentation William B. Page is also known as William Page.

Student information card of William B. Page, a member of the Choctaw Nation, who entered the school on September 4, 1915 and departed on September 13, 1915.

Student file of William B. Turley, a member of the Cherokee Nation, who entered the school on September 4, 1915 and departed on November 29, 1915. The file contains a student information card, an application for enrollment, and correspondence.

Student information card of William B. Turley, a member of the Cherokee Nation, who entered the school on September 4, 1915 and departed on November 29, 1915.

Student file of Willie F. Goode, a member of the Choctaw Nation, who entered the school on September 4, 1915 and departed on December 9, 1916. The file includes student information cards, financial transactions, an application for enrollment, a medical/physical record, and correspondence. The file indicates that Willie F. Goode left Carlisle to…

Student information card of Willie F. Goode, a member of the Choctaw Nation, who entered the school on September 4, 1915 and departed on December 9, 1916.

Student file of Winnie D. Rogers, a member of the Cherokee Nation, who entered the school on September 4, 1915 and departed on July 11, 1918. The file contains student information cards, an outing record, outing evaluations, financial transactions, medical/physical records, and correspondence. Included in the letters are grades handwritten by…

Student information card of Winnie D. Rogers, a member of the Cherokee Nation, who entered the school on September 4, 1915 and departed on July 11, 1918.

Student file of Alfred Wells, a member of the Kiowa Nation, who entered the school on September 6, 1915, and departed on June 15, 1918. This file contains student information cards, an application for enrollment, financial transactions, progress reports, an outing evaluation, an outing record, and correspondence indicating that Wells attended…

Student information card of Alfred Wells, a member of the Kiowa Nation, who entered the school on September 6, 1915 and ultimately departed on June 15, 1918.

Student file of Dennis Thomas, a member of the Kiowa Nation, who entered the school on September 6, 1915 and departed on June 10, 1918. The file contains a student information card, an application for enrollment, medical/physical records, certificates of promotion, financial transactions, correspondence, a vacation request form, and Thomas'…

Student information card of Dennis Thomas, a member of the Kiowa Nation, who entered the school on September 6, 1915 and ultimately departed on June 8, 1918.

Student file of Frank Keotah, a member of the Kiowa Nation, who entered the school on September 6, 1915 and departed on June 8, 1918. The file contains student information cards, an application for enrollment, an outing evaluation, correspondence, financial transactions, an outing record, and a certificate of promotion.
In school…

Student information card of Frank (here Francis M.) Keotah, a member of the Kiowa Nation, who entered the school on September 6, 1915 and departed on June 8, 1918.

Student file of Harry Kohpay, Jr., a member of the Osage Nation, who entered the school on September 6, 1915, graduated in 1918, and departed on June 7, 1918. The file contains student information cards, correspondence, a vacation request form, a certificate of transfer, Kohpay's biographical essay from his senior year, and financial…

Student information card of Harry Kohpay, Jr., a member of the Osage Nation, who entered the school on September 6, 1915 and departed on June 8, 1918. The information card indicates that Kohpay graduated in 1918 and studied gardening.

Student file of Ira Davenport, a member of the Pottawattomi Nation, who entered the school on September 6, 1915 and departed on July 21, 1916. The file contains a student information card, financial transactions, a medical/physical record, an application for enrollment, and correspondence. The file indicates that Davenport was living in…

Student information card of Ira Davenport, a member of the Pottawatomi Nation, who entered the school on September 6, 1915 and departed on July 21, 1916.

Student file of Irene Davenport, a member of the Pottawatomi Nation, who entered the school on September 6, 1915, and departed on May 26, 1916. The file contains student information cards, an application for enrollment, a medical/physical record, financial transactions, and correspondence indicating Davenport had applied for a position as a…

Student information card of Irene Davenport, a member of the Pottawatomi Nation, who entered the school on September 6, 1915 and departed on May 26, 1916.

Student file of James Davenport, a member of the Pottawatomi Nation, who entered the school on September 6, 1915 and departed on September 21, 1915. The file contains a student information card, an application for enrollment, medical/physical records, and correspondence.

Student information card of James Davenport, a member of the Pottawatomi Nation, who entered the school on September 6, 1915 and departed on September 21, 1915.

Student information card of James Davenport, a member of the Pottawatomi Nation, who entered the school on September 6, 1915 and departed on September 21, 1915.