Student file of Joseph Roubidoux, a member of the Sac & Fox Nation, who entered the school on February 25, 1880 and departed on March 28, 1886. The file contains a student information card, a former student response postcard, correspondence, a returned student survey, and a report after leaving indicating Roubidoux was farming in Rulo,…
Roubidoux, Joseph

Student information card of Joseph Roubidoux, a member of the Sac & Fox Nation, who entered the school on February 25, 1880 and departed on March 28, 1886. The file indicates Roubidoux was living in Rulo, Nebraska in 1913.

Student file of James Roubideau, a member of the Sac & Fox Nation, who entered the school on June 22, 1917 and departed on July 3, 1918. The file contains student information cards, an application for enrollment, a medical/physical record, certificates of promotion, and correspondence.
In school documentation James Roubideau's name…

Richard Henry Pratt provides a list of students to be returned to their homes at the end of their enrollment terms. Pratt notes that many of these students have expressed a desire to remain and notes that agents should attempt to secure permission from their parents for their children to remain. Pratt notes many students who were expected to…

Authority sought by Richard Henry Pratt to cover expenses in returning Joseph Roubidoux to his home due to his mother's failing health.