
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 records
Roger (Cloud Shield) Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Roger, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on October 6, 1879 and departed on June 19, 1882.

In school documentation Roger is also known as Cloud Shield and Mahpiya Wahacanka.

Note: In a version at Yale of the photograph of the first male students, Richard Henry Pratt identifies one of…

National Archives and Records Administration
scan of microfilm of Descriptive Statement
September 23-24, 1879

Descriptive Statement of young people recruited for the Carlisle Indian School from Pine Ridge Agency, as prepared by the acting Indian Agent for Pine Ridge J. W. Alder. Of the 27 names on this list, only 18 ultimately traveled to Carlisle, the parents perhaps having changed their minds about sending their children. The names of the other 9 do…

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National Archives and Records Administration