Student file of Peter Oscar, a member of the Piegan Nation, who entered the school March 26, 1890 and ultimately departed June 6, 1895. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards and a report after leaving. The file indicates Oscar was working as a carpenter for the…
Oscar, Peter

Student information card of Peter Oscar, a member of the Piegan Nation, who entered the school on March 26, 1890 and departed on June 6, 1895.

Student file of Richard Sanderville, a member of the Piegan Nation, who entered the school on March 26, 1890 and departed on November 8, 1892. The file contains a student information card, letters, a returned student survey, news clippings and a report after leaving. The file indicates Sanderville married Nancy Shephard, worked as a farmer, and…

Studio portrait of Joseph Evans and Peter Oscar. One is wearing a school uniform.

Studio portrait of Peter Oscar wearing school uniform.

Studio portrait of Peter Oscar and Joseph Evans.

Studio portrait of Peter Oscar.
The caption written on this image is "Peter Oscar Carpenter." Oscar's file shows that he was trained as and later worked as a carpenter, so this is not part of his name.

Peter Oscar writes to Richard Henry Pratt and provides him an explanation on why he ran away from the Carlisle Indian School as well as an update on where he is currently residing. Oscar notes that he is willing to return to Carlisle if Pratt wants him to return.

Peter Oscar requests a railroad ticket from Buffalo to Carlisle from Richard Henry Pratt. Oscar notes that he will pay his own way to Buffalo and then reimburse Pratt for the Buffalo ticket.