Student file of Jonas Homer, a member of the Onondaga Nation, who entered the school on October 7, 1899 and ultimately departed on October 23, 1912. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains an application for enrollment, student information cards, trade/position record cards, correspondence,…
Maple, John

Student file of Wilbert Jones, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on September 20, 1901, and departed on September 8, 1906. The file contains a student information card, a returned student survey, and a report after leaving indicating that Jones was working as a truckman in Miami, Oklahoma in 1911.

Student file of David Red Star, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on August 19, 1905 and departed on June 22, 1910. The file contains trade/position record cards, a former student response postcard, a returned student survey, a medical/physical record, an application for enrollment, a student information card, a progress/…

Student file of Gallus Spotted Eagle, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on August 19, 1905, and ultimately departed on June 3, 1912. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, former student response postcards, correspondence, applications for…

Student file of Robert Anderson, a member of the Tuscarora Nation, who entered the school on December 24, 1906 and departed on June 26, 1910. The file contains a student information card, a medical/physical record, a returned student survey, a former student response postcard, letters/correspondence, financial transactions, a progress/conduct…

Student file of David Gilstrap, a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, who entered the school on September 7, 1909 and departed on June 29, 1911. The file contains a progress/conduct card, a student information card, trade/position record cards, medical/physical records, a former student information card, a returned student survey, an…

Student file of James Bucktooth, a member of the Seneca Nation, who entered the school on October 26, 1910, and departed on June 16, 1913. The file contains student information cards, medical/physical records, an application for enrollment, outing evaluations, financial transactions, correspondence, an outing record, a progress/conduct card,…

Student file of John Ahkenocksay, a member of the Menominee Nation, who entered the school on September 21, 1911 and departed on June 8, 1914. The file contains a student information card, a progress/conduct card, medical/physical records, an application for enrollment, an outing record, outing evaluations, a financial transaction, and…