Student file of Montreville Yuda, a member of the Oneida Nation, who entered the school on September 10, 1908 and departed on May 19, 1913. The file contains a progress/conduct card, financial transactions, a student information card, returned student surveys, an application for enrollment, trade/position record cards, a medical/physical record…
Herman, Jacob

Student file of Jacob Herman, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on November 2, 1914 and departed on June 8, 1918. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, a federal financial aid form, applications for enrollment, certificates of promotion,…

Student information card of Jacob Herman, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on November 2, 1914 and ultimately departed on June 10, 1918.

This program was distributed for a performance by the students as part of the Commencement Exercises for 1917. The play, "The Continental Congress," is taken from McBrien's "America First," and the school borrowed the costumes for the performance. It surrounds the formation of the first Continental Congress and the Declaration of Independence…