A. W. Ferrin forwards a request from Milton Abram to enroll his two sons to the Carlisle Indian School. Ferrin encloses a letter from Richard Henry Pratt informing Abram that he needs the permission of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs due to the fact that he is from New York.
Ferrin, A. W.

Simon and Susan Thompson request the Office of Indian Affairs to instruct Richard Henry Pratt to return their daughter Linnie Thompson (here Lennie Thompson) for the vacation period.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to a request for the return of Linnie Thompson (here Lennie Thompson) by noting that she was enrolled for a term of five years or until she graduated. In addition, after consulting with Linnie she has expressed a desire to remain at Carlisle.

A. W. Ferrin, U.S. Indian Agent for the New York Agency, forwards a letter from M. F. Trippe, regarding religion among the Tuscarora. Ferrin ends his note that students for Carlisle are not questioned regarding their religion but only conform to the physical and moral requirements set by Carlisle.

Correspondence related to claims from parents on the Cattaraugus Reservation of children at the Carlisle Indian School related to the return of their children. A. W. Ferrin, U.S. Indian Agent for New York Indians, relative to their claims from their children that they do not receive enough food to eat. Richard Henry Pratt suggests that these…

A. W. Ferrin forwards petition of the Cattaraugus Reservation requesting the return of certain pupils from the Carlisle Indian School. The petition claims that parents were misinformed and that some students were taken without consent, parents are unhappy with the treatment of their children, that students are not getting enough academic…

A. W. Ferrin provides an update on the feelings of the New York Indians regarding their children at the Carlisle Indian School. Ferrin states that he has had some discussions with various members of the Seneca Nation and that only a few are dissatisfied with having their children at Carlisle. Further an effort was made at the last Seneca…

M. F. Nippe, Missionary, writes to Daniel M. Browning asking him to ignore the petition of the Cattaraugus Reservation. Nippe notes that the claims are the result of misstatements and falsehoods.

David Patterson requests that Daniel M. Browning act on the petition forwarded to him by A. W. Ferrin requesting the return of children from New York at the Carlisle Indian School.