Student information card of Lulu Bridgeman, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on October 6, 1879 and departed on June 19, 1882.
Student information card of Lulu Bridgeman, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on October 6, 1879 and departed on June 19, 1882.
Student information card of Lulu Bridgeman, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on October 6, 1879 and departed on June 19, 1882.
In school documentation Lulu Bridgeman is also known Mary J. Bridgeman and Lulu.
Group portrait of the first female students, taken on the morning after their arrival on October 6, 1879
Note: This image is different from the more commonly seen one. Here there are only twelve people in the back row, not thirteen (it is not yet determined who is not present here). Sarah Mather and Charles Tackett are not included…
Group portrait of the first female students, taken on the morning after their arrival on October 6, 1879. Matron Sarah Mather is standing at left and interpreter Charles Tackett is standing at right.
This image appears in John N. Choate's Souvenir of the Carlisle Indian School (Carlisle, PA: J. N. Choate, 1902).
Group portrait of the first female students, taken on the morning after their arrival on October 6, 1879. Matron Sarah Mather is standing at left and interpreter Charles Tackett is standing at left.
Group portrait of the first female students, taken on the morning after their arrival on October 6, 1879. Matron Sarah Mather is standing at left and interpreter Charles Tackett is standing at left.
Seven Sioux students posed on the bandstand on the school grounds shortly after their arrival. They are: Guy (Bear Don't Scare), Amos Lone Hill, Bennett (Singer), Frank Twiss, Lizzie Glode (also known as Daisy Glode), Lucy Day, and Mary (Lulu) Bridgeman.
Seven Sioux students posed on the bandstand on the school grounds shortly after their arrival. They are: Guy (Bear Don't Scare), Amos Lone Hill, Bennett (Singer), Frank Twiss, Lizzie Glode (also known as Daisy Glode), Lucy Day, and Lulu (Mary) Bridgeman.
Descriptive Statement of young people recruited for the Carlisle Indian School from Pine Ridge Agency, as prepared by the acting Indian Agent for Pine Ridge J. W. Alder. Of the 27 names on this list, only 18 ultimately traveled to Carlisle, the parents perhaps having changed their minds about sending their children. The names of the other 9 do…