Student file of Charles Apekaum, a member of the Kiowa Nation, who entered the school on September 13, 1914, graduated in 1915, and departed on June 4, 1915. The file contains student information cards, an application for enrollment, medical/physical records, financial transactions, and correspondence. The file indicates Apekaum was a student…
Apekaum, Charles

Student information card of Charles Apekaum, a member of the Kiowa Nation, who entered the school on September 13, 1914 and departed on June 4, 1915. The card indicates that Apekaum graduated in 1915.

A group of female and male students posed in front of the band stand on the school grounds, A male student in the front row holds a banner which reads: "Class 1915 Fidelity." The students are identified by white numbers; a list of names associated with those numbers is attached to the reverse of the photo. They are: 1) Cora M. Battice 2)…

Part of a scrapbook compiled by William Winneshiek (Winnebago), who wrote the caption: Baseball Team Captains of Carlisle 1914 - 1917.
The Cumberland County Historical Society has identified these students as Ambrose, Apekaum, Crane, and Johnson. It is not clear which student named Johnson the latter is.

These materials include correspondence regarding the academic record of Charles Ape-Kaum following his discharge of the Navy and prior to taking up his studies again at the Central State Normal School in Edmond, Oklahoma.