Eugene Jimerson Student File

Student file of Eugene Jimerson, a member of the Seneca Nation, who entered the school on October 23, 1906 and departed on May 19, 1909. The file contains a trade/position card, a progress/conduct card, a medical/physical record, a student information card, an application for enrollment, and financial correspondence.

In school documentation Eugene Jimerson's name is also spelled Eugene Jemison. He is also known as Eugene Jones and Eugene Jones Jimerson.


Lorenzo D. Jeffers Student File

Student File of Lorenzo D. Jeffers, a member of the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah), who entered the school on October 13, 1908 and departed on November 11, 1909. The file contains an application for enrollment, a student information card, a returned student survey, an outing record, a report after leaving, a progress/conduct report, a medical/physical record, and a former student response postcard that indicates Jeffers was living in Nantucket, Massachusetts in 1913 and working as an Assistant Engineer in an ice plant.

Isabel Coleman Student File

Student file of Isabel Coleman, a member of the San Luisenos Nation, who entered the school on March 7, 1899, and departed on June 24, 1904. The file contains student information cards, correspondence, a returned student survey, a report after leaving, and former student response postcards indicating that she was working as a housekeeper in San Diego, California, in 1913.

In school documentation Isabel Coleman's name is also spelled Isabelle Coleman. She is also known as I. M. Coleman.

Note: Isabel Coleman is the sister of Ida Coleman and a cousin of Charles Coleman.

Julia Jarvis Student File

Student file of Julia Jarvis, a member of the Okanagan Nation, who entered the school on July 25, 1896, and departed on October 13, 1910. The file contains a student information card, trade/position record cards, an application for enrollment, an outing evaluation, news clippings, outing records, correspondence, and a returned student survey indicating that Jarvis was a domestic in Burlington, New Jersey in 1911 and living in Burlington, New Jersey in 1918.

In school documentation Julia Jarvis' married name is Julia Jarvis Abdill.


Mistica Amago Student File

Student file of Mistica Amago, a member of the San Luisenos Nation, who entered the school on August 19, 1898, and departed on July 3, 1900. The file contains student information cards, a report after leaving, a returned student survey, and former student response postcards indicating that she was working as a house keeper and living in Valley Centre, California, in 1914.

In school documentation Mistica Amago's name is also spelled Mystica A. Amago and Mystica Amago.

Note: Students Mistica Amago, Philipia Amago, and Satero Amago were siblings. 


Effie Spencer Student File

Student file of Effie Spencer, a member of the Nez Perce Nation, who entered the school on September 7, 1890 and departed on July 2, 1898. The file contains a student information card, a report after leaving, and a returned student survey. The file indicates Spencer was a housewife in Kamiah, Idaho in 1910 and living in Winchester, Idaho, in 1911.

In school documentation Effie Spencer's married name is Effie Cashcash (Mrs. E. Cashcash), also spelled Effie Kash Kash (Mrs. Edward Kash Kash).


Lydia Smith Student File

Student file of Lydia Smith, a member of the Nez Perce Nation, who entered the school on December 7, 1893, and departed on May 24, 1897. The file contains a student information card, a returned student survey, a report after leaving, and former student response postcards indicating that she was married and living in Kamiah, Idaho, in 1914.

In school documentation Lydia Smith is also known as Lydia Ann Smith and Lydia A. Smith. Her married name is Lydia Smith Corbett (Mrs. Paul Corbett) or Lydia A. Smith Corbett, Lydia A. Corbett, and Lydia A. S. Corbett.


Louisa Pinkham Student File

Student file of Louisa Pinkham, a member of the Nez Perce Nation, who entered the school on July 20, 1891 and departed on July 27, 1896. The file contains a student information card, a returned student survey, correspondence, a report after leaving, and a former student response postcard indicating she was married and living in Lapwai, Idaho in 1914.

In school documentation Louisa Pinkham is also known as Louise Pinkham. Her married name is Louisa Pinkham Eneas (Mrs. Matthew Eneas or Mrs. Mathew Eneas), also spelled Louise Pinkham Eneas and Louise Eneas.


Rachel Penny Student File

Student file of Rachel Penny, a member of the Nez Perce Nation, who entered the school on September 24, 1902, and departed on June 21, 1909. The file contains a student information card, a former student response postcard, medical/physical records, an application for enrollment, a returned student survey, a report after leaving, and news clippings that indicate she was married with three children and living in Kamiah, Idaho, in 1914.

Providencia Martinez Student File

Student file of Providencia Martinez, a student from Puerto Rico, who entered the school on November 8, 1901 and departed on September 8, 1904. The file contains a student information card, correspondence, and a report after leaving indicating Martinez was living in Ponce, Puerto Rico in 1910. 

In school documentation Providencia Martinez' name is also spelled Providentia Martinez.