Studio portrait of Juanita Bibancos.
Studio portrait of Lapolio Cheago probably wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of Laura Parker, Juanada Parker, Esther Parker (rear center), and Harold Parker.
Studio portrait of Lillian Brown.
Studio portrait of Linas Pierce.
Studio portrait of Louis McDonald.
Studio portrait of Louisa Ance, Annie Carl, and Jane Mark.
Studio portrait of Louisa Provost.
A white man posed shoveling coal into a boiler in the boiler room.
Studio portrait of Mark Hopkins.
Studio portrait of Martha Owl.
Studio portrait of Martha Sickles.
Studio portrait of Mary Wolfe.
Studio portrait of Melinda Porter wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of Moses Sawtrom wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of Nellie Valenzuela wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of Nettie Horne, Lottie Horne, and Jacob Horne.
Studio portrait of Newton Pierce (left) and Willie Parker, both wearing school uniforms.
Studio portrait of Odell La Fleur wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of Perry Tsamanwa.
Studio portrait of Rose DuVernay wearing a floral corsage or accessory.
Studio portrait of Russell Whitebear.
Studio portrait of Samuel Ortley wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of Samuel Pontiac.
Studio portrait of Shela Guthrie Brown holding a doll.