The Indian Helper (Vol. 4, No. 38)

Carlisle, PA
May 10, 1889
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The first page began with an untitled poem with a first line of “God gave us hands – one left one right,” followed by an article describing the seeds of success titled “When It Tells.” The next article was about the Ayan Indians who fish salmon on the Yukon River titled “Sharp-sighted Indians,” followed by a treatise on politeness. Page two opened with a conversation between two boys who discussed the perils of tobacco use, titled “Shall We All Stop?” There was an account of the distribution of tinware to various Indian nations, how leisure time was spent at the school, how school girls have a good influence on the boys, a report about the Saturday evening sociable and the monthly exhibition.

Page three listed short news briefs that included improvements to the campus and landscaping, Dr. George Reed’s talk on temperance, gathering wildflowers and dandelions, attendance at the YMCA International convention, news of students returning to their home communities, marching drills, the distribution of harness sets to agencies in the West and a report that bugle-playing had been replaced by the installation of a gong bell. Page four opened with a piece about the importance of using words carefully, titled “No Time for Silly Words,” followed by a story emphasizing the value of the words “grit” and “pluck.” Also on the page were an offer of Pueblo and Apache contrast photos for new subscriptions to the Indian Helper, “Condundrums,” and the “Enigma” puzzles.

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