The Indian Helper (Vol. 2, No. 27)

Carlisle, PA
February 11, 1887
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The first page opened with the poem, "New Every Morning" by Susan Coolidge, followed by "Good Words from a Blind Young Man," which was a typewritten letter sent by Joseph Link, student of the Institution of the Blind, to Charles Wheelock (Oneida). There was also an article reprinted from the Truckee (Cal.) Republican, titled "Indian Ahead of Wiggins." Page two included some brief news items. Among them was news about a fire at Rev. Charles Cook's house in Pine Ridge, news about Peter Douville (Sioux), and an article "Our Meetings in Philadelphia, New York and Brooklyn" about the 144 student visit to the Mint. Other news included pieces on John Wanamaker's store and the Academy of Music.

Page three contained several short briefs about students sent on outings, staff news, Nellie Londrosh’s (Winnebago) teaching position at her agency, and a report that a series of articles by Carlisle students about the Apache campaign had been printed in Augusta, Maine in Sunshine For Youth. There was an obituary written for Ray Worthington, the son of  school employee Anna Worthington (superintendent of sewing), a list of winners to "Prizes for Words made from 'Haskell Institute'” and news from former student Harriet Elder (Nez Perce). Page four opened with the "Puzzle Corner," followed by the "Question Box," in which the Man-on-the-Band-Stand asks and answers the question, "How do Indian children receive their English names?" The page concluded with a list of the "School Room Roll of Honor, for December."

Time Period
Cumberland County Historical Society