A description of this publication is not currently available.

Pamphlet printed by the school's print shop of the speech given by Frederick Douglass at the school on April 6, 1893. The Indian Helper for July 21, 1893 announced that it was available at the price of ten cents.
Douglass' speech, "Self-Made Men," was a famous one, first delivered by him in…

Souvenir pamphlet for the Carlisle Indian School. Includes a short description of the school in the beginning, mentioning its history and aims. Images of the campus, school buildings, dorm rooms, classrooms, extracurricular groups, and graduates are given, each including a short caption. Photographs of athletic teams, industrial…

A description of this document is not currently available.

A booklet of information and photographs assembled by the Carlisle Indian School for their 23rd year, circa 1902. Includes a short history of the school and the town and school demographic information. Includes pictures of arriving students, students during classroom and extracurricular activities, the buildings on campus, farmwork…

A souvenir booklet from the Carlisle Indian School, published for their 23rd year. A short description of the aims and goals of the school is presented. Images of students as they first arrived, as well as important visiting chiefs, are given, as are before and after images including those of Tom Torlino. Extracurricular…

A description of this item is not currently available.

A description of this pamphlet is not currently available.

A catalog originally printed in 1908 by the students at the Carlisle Indian Industrial School. The contents include a list of teachers and staff, an overview of Indian education and brief descriptions of Carlisle’s history and aims. Each industrial training department has a short description. The section on academic departments includes a…

A description of this publication is not currently available.

This "Commencement Number" of the Carlisle Arrow features information about the graduating class of seniors.

A description of this publication is not currently available.

The Annual School Calendar of the U. S. Indian School in Carlisle, Pennsylvania for the 1909-1910 school year.

This booklet featured items produced by students at the school for sale to the public…

This "Commencement Number" of the Carlisle Arrow features information about the graduating class of seniors.

A description of this publication is not currently available.

A description of this item is not currently available.

This "Senior Number" of the Carlisle Arrow features information about commencement and the graduating class.

A description of this publication is not currently available.

A description of this pamphlet is not currently available.

A description of this item is not currently available.

This "Senior Number" of the Carlisle Arrow features information about commencement and the graduating class.

A description of this publication is not currently available.

This "Senior Number" of the Carlisle Arrow features information about commencement and the graduating class.

The Annual School Calendar of the U. S. Indian School in Carlisle, Pennsylvania for the 1913-1914 school year.