Program for the 1911 Athletic Celebration and presentation of the C's. Includes the records for the athletic teams, team photos, rosters, the school song, and the school yell.
Thorpe, Jim
These materials include correspondence between the Gaumont Company and the Bureau of Indian Affairs about filming done at the Carlisle Indian School. The correspondence mostly discusses a complimentary roll of the film that was provided to the Bureau. The filming reportedly included shots of Carlisle's three athletes selected to participate in…
This material includes letters and articles about the success of Jim Thorpe at the Stockholm Olympics. This includes a newspaper article as well as a personal letter of congratulations from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs.
Postcard featuring Jim Thorpe throwing a shotput. Back highlights the date of the parade honoring Thorpe, "Pop" Warner, and Lewis Tewanima.
Invitation to a reception honoring Olympic Athletes Jim Thorpe and Lewis Tewanima, as well as Coach Warner, and an envelope addressed to L. B. Harnish
Program for the reception honoring Jim Thorpe, Lewis Tewanmia, and Glenn Warner. Includes the list of participants, route of the parade, and the schedule.
The material includes correspondence about Jim Thorpe and his desire to decline a contract with the New York National Baseball Club. Richard C. Adams, Great Sachem of the Brotherhood of North American Indians National Organization, wrote to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs regarding this matter, protesting that Thorpe and other adult students…
This material contains correspondence regarding a request Jim Thorpe made to have his siblings, Edward Thorpe and Adeline Thorpe, transferred from schools in Oklahoma (the Sac and Fox Indian School and the Chilocco Indian School) to Carlisle.
These materials include legal documents and correspondence regarding charges filed against Superintendent Moses Friedman after an inspection and investigation of the Carlisle Indian School. Included in the documents are the official charges against Friedman, his answers to those charges, correspondence regarding the charges, and the…
This document lists payments made or owed by student athletes at Carlisle in 1907 and 1908.
In Inspector Linnen's main report for the 1914 Congressional investigation at Carlisle, this document is labelled Exhibit G.
In this affidavit Gus Welch (a student at the time) gives a statement about a letter allegedly written by Jim Thorpe. Welch says that the letter (in which Thorpe said that Warner and Friedman knew nothing of Thorpe’s professional playing) was written by Warner and Friedman and Thorpe was pressured to copy it out and publish it to protect their…
Chief Inspector E. B. Linnen reports his findings from a follow-up visit to Carlisle for the 1914 investigation of the school.
In the first section Linnen narrates his findings of further financial mismanagement includes having the government pay for transportation that students had already paid for out of their own funds, not…
This material is a collection of correspondence received by the Office of Indian Affairs between 1918 and 1966, all related to the Carlisle Indian School. As the Carlisle Indian School closed in 1918, the majority of these letters are either requesting information about the school and its graduates, or inquiring to see if the school is still…