Page one included an address to the students from Capt. Daniel Childers, written by E. B. Childers, in which he described his own childhood and assured the students of the great opportunities they have as a result of attending Carlisle. Students were also reminded that chewing and smoking tobacco had to stop if they wanted to live like whites.…
Teller, Henry Morgan

Correspondence regarding the enrollment of children from the Sitting Bull band of Sioux being held as prisoners at Fort Randall. The officer in charge of Fort Randall indicates that the parents of the eligible children do not wish to see their children to be enrolled at Carlisle. Pratt notes that he would prefer to speak to these parents to…

Copy of a letter Richard Henry Pratt sent to Congressman Frank Hiscock, Chairman Appropriations Committee in the House of Representatives regarding the Committee's hearing on the Carlisle Indian School's appropriation. Pratt disagrees with the idea that the school is being run in an extravagant manner and that while he can run the school on a…

Richard Henry Pratt forwards for approval the lease agreement between the Carlisle Indian School and Samuel K. Humrich for a 225 acre farm beginning on February 17, 1883.
Henry Morgan Teller, Secretary of the Interior, approves the lease.

Richard Henry Pratt requests permission from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for approval to have 200 boys and the Carlisle Indian School band to participate in the inaugural ceremonies. Pratt notes that Secretary of the Interior Henry Morgan Teller believed the idea to be a good one and it would be without expense to the Government.

Richard Henry Pratt provides his views on having graduates from the Carlisle Indian School and other industrial training schools fill agency instructor positions. Pratt notes that he does not believe this a good system due to the lack of training among Indian apprentices in their trades which would not allow them to be competent teachers. In…

This audit and report, which concerns the finances of the Carlisle Indian School as administered by Richard Henry Pratt, was prepared immediately following his retirement as superintendent of the school. The report focuses on the use of non-governmental funds - charitable donations to the school, as well as income earned through athletics and…