J. V. Summers, U.S. Indian Agent for the Quapaw Agency, responds to the Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the guardianship of Esther Miller. Summers states that Susan Benjamin was appointed Miller's guardian by the general council of the Western Miami Tribe of Indians. Benjamin declined the appointment and the chiefs decided to return…
Summers, J. V.

Richard Henry Pratt returns the letter of J. V. Summers regarding the guardianship of Esther Miller and notes that Miller has read both the Office of Indian Affairs letter and Summers letter.

Ida Johnson, a teacher at Grand River Indian Territory, requests permission to enroll her brother and sister in the Carlisle Indian School. Richard Henry Pratt forwards the request to the Office of Indian Affairs with his favor by indicating the proportion of various Indian Nations at the School.

These materials include a Descriptive Statement of Pupils for 4 individuals transferred to the Carlisle Indian School from the Quapaw Agency.

These materials include a Descriptive Statement of Pupils for 4 individuals transferred to the Carlisle Indian School from the Quapaw Agency.

J. V. Summers, U.S. Indian Agent for the Quapaw Agency, forwards a request from Henry Hicks that his daughter Delia Hicks be returned from the Carlisle Indian School. Hicks notes that he has secured a place for Delia at Earlham College where she can train as a teacher. Summers notes that Richard Henry Pratt has agreed to return Delia Hicks with…

Wrap for Descriptive Statement of Children Sent to the Carlisle Indian School from the Quapaw Agency.
Note: The descriptive statement itself was missing.