Richard Henry Pratt requests that W. N. Hailmann have teacher M. L. Silcott transferred from the Crow Creek Agency to Carlisle.
Silcott, M. L.

Richard Henry Pratt informs W. N. Hailmann that he has reason to believe that M. L. Silcott will accept transfer at the lower salary.

Richard Henry Pratt asks why M. L. Silcott has not been notified of her transfer from the Office of Indian Affairs.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that M. L. Silcott has reported for duty as a teacher at the Carlisle Indian School from the Crow Creek Agency.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards assistant teacher M. L. Silcott's application for a 60-day leave of absence, 30 days to attend summer school and 30 days for annual leave.

Richard Henry Pratt informs W. N. Hailmann that he does not have the funds to employ as teachers the two men named in Hailmann's previous letter. After discussing issues related to funding and employee salaries, Pratt says he wants to wait until he can talk with former student Nellie Robertson about hiring her for the lowest teaching position…

Richard Henry Pratt follows up on his request for four teachers at $660 per year and one less than $500 along with a storekeeper at $720 per year noting that they were approved by W. N. Hailmann in March.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards certificate of attendance at summer school for 11 employees: Carlos Montezuma (physician), Emma A. Cutter (senior teacher), Anna C. Hamilton (normal teacher), Florence M. Carter (teacher), Kate S. Bowersox (teacher), J. W. Hendren (teacher), Fannie I. Peter (teacher), M. L. Silcott (assistant teacher), Carrie E.…

Richard Henry Pratt sends a letter to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs requesting that M. L. Silcott (teacher) be granted an extended sick leave of absence.

Richard Henry Pratt sends a letter to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs advising him to grant Miss M. L. Silcott's leave of absence to August 31st.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards teacher M. L. Silcott's application for a 30-day leave of absence due to illness. Pratt sends a physician's certificate verifying Silcott's sickness.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards physician John A. Lichty's certification of teacher M. L. Silcott's need for sick leave of absence from May 28th to June 18th, 1896.

Alfred John Standing forwards statement of Dr. John A. Lichty covering additional sick leave for M. L. Silcott.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards teacher M. L. Silcott's application for a 30-day annual leave of absence.

Correspondence regarding Richard Henry Pratt not re-nominating M. L. Silcott and Maud Mosher for teaching positions during the 1897 fiscal year. Pratt had not given sufficient written reasons for his decision, and so complaints were made leading to a call for his dismissal. Pratt subsequently provided a written explanation for his reasons--that…

Richard Henry Pratt informs W. N. Hailmann that he is not re-nominating M. L. Silcott and Maud Mosher for teaching positions at the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt requests W. N. Hailmann transfer Lizzie M. Lampson to the Carlisle Indian School. He further requests meeting with Hailmann to discuss taking the teachers from the Civil Service.

Correspondence between Richard Henry Pratt and the Interior Department regarding the Office of Indian Affairs request to discipline Pratt for insubordination in the matter of not re-nominating M. L. Silcott and Maud Mosher.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards check for M. L. Silcott as directed by the orders of the Office of Indian Affairs.
A note indicates that the check was delivered to M. L. Silcott on November 23, 1896.