Student file of James Porter, a member of the Nez Perce Nation, who entered the school in May 1882 and departed on September 18, 1883. The file contains a student information card, a trade/position record card, and a letter/correspondence. The file indicates that Porter was a gardener at the Santa Fe Indian School in Santa Fe, New Mexico in…
Porter, James

Student information card of James Porter, a member of the Ponca Nation, who entered the school in May 1882 and departed on September 18, 1883.
Note: Although this card lists Porter as Ponca, other records dating from the time of his arrival at Carlisle in 1882 and his departure in 1883 make clear that he is Nez Perce, but that he had…

Page one opens with a letter from the Secretary of the Interior, H.M. Teller, about the education of Indians. Page two had the Address Captain Pratt gave at the National Educational Convention at Ocean Grove, NJ. This address continued on to page three. After the end of Captain Pratt’s address, page three has an article titled “It is Folly to…

Thomas J. Jordan, U.S. Indian Agent at the Ponca Agency inquires about enrolling James Porter at the Carlisle Indian School.

Complying with Indian Office orders, Richard Henry Pratt provides a list of students brought to the Carlisle Indian School by Special Agent E. B. Townsend for the fall of 1882. Students were from the Osage, Kaw, and Nez Perce Nations.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to return a number of students to their homes due to ill health in addition to the students who are being returned due to the expiration of their terms.