Student file of Sara Hoxie, a member of the Nomelaki Nation, who entered the school on October 16, 1907 and graduated in 1910. No departure date is given. The file contains a photograph, a medical/physical record, an application for enrollment, news clippings, a report after leaving, trade/position record cards, an outing record, an outing…
Hoxie, Sara

Student information card of Sara (here Sarah) Hoxie, a member of the Nomelaki Nation, who entered the school on October 16, 1907 and departed on June 22, 1910. The information card indicates that Hoxie had graduated in 1910, married W. E. Perry, and was working at the Indian School in Round Valley, California in 1912.

Progress card of Sarah Hoxie, a member of the Nomelaki Nation, who entered the school on October 16, 1907.
Note: Although this card shows an arrival date of October 17, the admissions ledger and her file suggest that she actually arrived on October 16.

Studio portrait of a large group of seated and standing male and female students, identified as the graduating class of 1910. They are identified in a label attached below the photo. They are: 1) Margaret B. Burd 2) Stella Bear 3) Stacey Beck Hardy 4) John Bastian 5) Inex Brown 6) Johnson Enos 7) Louis George 8) Adeline Greenbrier 9) Carlyle G…

Twelve female students posed on the school grounds.
The Cumberland County Historical Society provides thirteen names for the people in this group, but recognizes that there are only twelve in the photo.

The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Sarah Hoxie
Sara Hoxie wearing white dress and a large hat with a flower in the front.

Schedule for the 1910 graduation exercises of the Carlisle Indian School.