Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Fred Harris (Ko-woot-ke-ish), a member of the Tlingit Nation.
Harris, Fred

Student information card of Fred Harris, a member of the Tlingit Nation, who entered the school on December 8, 1887 and died on June 9, 1890. Harris was buried in the cemetery on the school grounds.
In school documentation Fred Harris is also known as Ko-woot-ke-ish.

Student information card of Fred Harris (Ko-woot-ke-ish), a member of the Tlingit Nation, who entered the school on December 8, 1887 and died on June 9, 1890 while attending the school. Harris was buried in the cemetery on the school grounds.

The first page began with a poem titled “Do Your Best,” followed by “The Man-On-the-Band-Stand and a Stranger,” which described the “old gentleman’s” effort to thwart the hiring of an Outing student who was careless with arithmetic. It continued on page four. Page two began with “A Manly Resolution,” that reported Felix Iron Eaglefeather’s (…

Studio portrait of Henry Phillips (left) and Fred Harris (right). Phillips is wearing a school uniform.

Studio portrait of Fred Harris.

Alfred John Standing forwards account of E. H. Doan for the medical treatment of Fred Harris while Harris was on outing. Standing notes that Harris was brought back to Carlisle as soon as he was able to travel.