Postcard (Commercial)

Displaying 1 - 25 of 110 records
black and white image; a view of the adminsitration building with the Superintendent's Quarters just barely visible along the left side, building is two stories tall with a wrap-around porch on each level with white railings

The caption on the front of the postcard reads: ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, U.S. INDIAN SCHOOL CARLISLE PA

The only words on the back are standard instructions for placement of the address.


Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; six young men (probably students) stand outside building with Bakery sign, three carry loaves of bread

The caption on this postcard reads: Carlisle, Pa., Bakery and Bakers, Indian School.

This postcard was sent to Mr. John P. Miller, Burnham, Pa. Mifflin Co. The message reads: "Dear Son, I am still looking for that letter now write to me at once as I am anxious to hear from you. Mother"


Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
black and white image; view of campus from the teacher's quarters towards the large boy's quarters (facing northeast), the girl's quarters are just visible on the left and the superintendant's quarters just visible on the right, a few figures seem to run in the snow

The caption on the front reads: CAMPUS IN WINTER, U.S. INDIAN SCHOOL CARLISLE PA.

The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to write the address.


Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
Students Playing Croquet, c.1902

The caption reads: Band Stand and Girls Quarters, Indian Industrial School, Carlisle, Pa.

The handwritten note on the front reads: Juliette Smith Carlisle Pa

The postcard is addressed to Marba Marlin in Roxbourgh, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
black and white image; group portrait of approximately 39 members of the Carlisle Indian School band and the band leader. The students stand in rows on the steps of a large building, in uniform, with instruments in hand

The caption on the front of the postcard reads 23. The Carlisle Indian Band, Long Branch, N. J.

A message written below the caption on the front reads: "Don't make eyes at the one in the middle. I saw him first. Tracy."

The postcard was addressed to Miss Nellie Noyes[?]. Columbus Place Long Branch N. J. 

Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
black and white image; view of central campus taken from a slight height, most buildings are obscured by trees but you can see the flag pole, a little bit about of the administration building and large boys' quarters

The caption on the front of the postcard reads: CAMPUS, U.S. INDIAN SCHOOL, CARLISLE, PA.

There is also a message hand-written on the front of the card that reads: "Arrived safely am boarding with Rev. Rhods[?] have a nice place. Best wishes Pa'pa".

The postcard was addressed to Miss Ethel M. Haines, Thompsontown,…

Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; view of the northwest corner of the large boys' quarters (three floors), a tree is in the foreground on the right side of the image

The printed caption on the front of the postcard reads: Boys Quarters, Indian School, Carlisle, Pa. There is also a hand written message below that caption which reads "Hello Steward, here is I am well thinmgle[?] the winter for my life, from R. B. Guystone."

The postcard was addressed to Master Stewart Hefflefinger,…

Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; view of campus looking northeast from the academic building, in the foreground are paint lines for tennis courts, in the middle ground is a fire hydrant, a tree to the left, and a telephone pole to the right, in the background is the gynasium, girls' quarters and large boys' quarters

The caption on the front of the postcard reads: Campus and Tennis Courts, Indian School, Carlisle, Pa.

The postcard was sent to Miss Myra Heiser of Carlisle, Pa. R. F. D. #4. The message written on the front of the card reads "Hello Myra? What are you doing these cold winter days Mary."


Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; view of the northwest corner of the large boys' quarters (three floors), a tree is in the foreground on the right side of the image

The caption of the front of the postcard reads: Boys Quarters, Indian School, Carlisle, Pa.

The postcard was sent to Mr. Chas. L. Horn, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. The message (written on the front of the card reads Hello Charlie, how you was? How is the dealer? Ha! Ha! A. R. W."


Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
black and white image; photograph of the finish line of a track event, four young men are running towards the camera, the two in the front have a large M visible on their tops, a crowd of spectators stands on either side of the path to the finish line

The caption on the front of the postcard reads: Final 220 yds. Dash. Between Carlisle Indians and Mercersburg Academy.

The postcard was sent to Paul Calm, Strong Creek Mills, Berks County, Pa.


Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
Prominent Indians and Officials, 1907

The caption reads: Prominent Indians. Indian Agent and U. S. Indian Att'y.

The printed note reads: Taken at the Kiowa Agency November 26, 1907.

The reverse side contains a note Huston Miller to Moses Friedman sent on June 29, 1913.

Twenty-three individuals including Quanah Parker (Chief of…

Postcard (Commercial)
National Archives and Records Administration
color image; view of a building usually referred to as the art studio, a flag of the United States flies from a pole extending from the roof of the building, other buildings are in the background to the left

The caption on this postcard reads: Alumni Hall, U. S. Indian School, Carlisle, Pa. Designed and Built by Students.

The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to write a message and where to write the address.


Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
black and white image; view of campus from perspective of the academic buildings, in the center of the background is the flagpole, fire hydrant in middle ground, painted lines of the tennis courts are in the foreground

The caption on this postcard reads: Campus and Tennis Courts, Indian School, Carlisle, Pa.

The reverse side includes a short note addressed to Helen M. Smith of Derry, Pa. which reads: "Your card received. No, I am not dead. I am going to write soon. Yours A. H. W."


Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; view of the academic building, edited to give it the appearance of a red brick building; a fire hydrant appears in the foreground

The caption reads: Class Rooms, Indian School, Carlisle, Pa.

The postcard was addressed to Dr. Zatae L. Straw, 627 Union St., Manchester, N. H.


Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
black and white image; guard house (single story building with a porch and two cupolas) pictured with two men and a boy in the foreground

The caption reads: Guard House at Indian School, Carlisle, Pa. (built by the Hessians 1777).

The postcard was addressed to Dr. Zatae L. Straw, 627 Union St., Manchester, N. H.


Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
Instruction Buildings, c.1908

The caption on this postcard reads: Instruction Buildings, Carlisle Indian School. Carlisle, Pa.

Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
sepia-toned image; view of the front of the academic building, there is a fire hydrant in the foreground, building is two stories with one section in the middle and two wings

The caption on this postcard reads: Academic Building, Indian School, Carlisle, Pa.

The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to write a message and where to write the address.


Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; view from the superintendent's quarters looking north showing the path to the teacher's quarters and the band stand

The caption reads: Teachers Quarters and Band Stand, Indian School, Carlisle, Pa.

The postcard was addressed to Dr. Zatae L. Straw, 627 Union St., Manchester, N. H.


Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; male students lounging in foreground with women in the middle ground, guard house and academic building in the background in the middle and to the right respectively


The postcard was addressed to Miss Enid C. Straw, 627 Union St., Manchester, N. H. The message reads: "Dear Enid, Was so glad to get your card & will surely write you a long letter in the very near future. The school marms are kept pretty busy…

Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
black and white image; band stand on the left and girls' quarters on the right, trees around both

The caption on the front of the postcard reads: Girls Quarters, Campus and Summer House, Indian School, Carlisle, Pa.  A note has been written on the front which reads "Having a nice time, but getting tired of country life, Elliott."

It has been addressed to Mrs. T. Myer, #1838 North 22nd St. Philadelphia.

Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; students assembled in formation in the foreground, with the camera facing east viewing the whole length of the campus, the students are in black and white, there are leaves on the trees, the sky is orange near the horizon and blue above that

The caption on this postcard reads: BATTALION SCHOOL, CARLISLE, Pa.

The postcard was addressed to Dr. Zatae L. Straw, 627 Union St., Manchester, N. H.


Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; view of the academic building (two story building with central area and two wings), building has been painted red in post-production, there are trees, a path, lines for a tennis court, and fire hydrant in front of the building

The caption on the front reads: Class Rooms, Indian School, Carlisle, Pa.

The postcard was addressed to Mr. D. P. Young, 42 E. Philadelphia St., York, Pa. The message reads: "Woo! Woo! Big Injun! Saw Rose Adler here so feel as if I were at home. Will have to come home Monday Eve. sometime around eight."


Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; view of the trade shops building (white painted two story building with blue roof, shaped like the letter u), small trees set along a path are in the middleground


The postcard was addressed to Miss Gillie M. Atherton, Greencastle, Pa.

The message reads: "Reach home safe and sound. I am well hoping you are the same. got done about 8 o'clock. Sunday being work hard on Monday…

Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
Eagle Chief, 1909

The caption reads: EAGLE CHIEF, PONCA.


The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Dear Mrs Denny,
I suppose you will be rather surprised to hear from me

Postcard (Commercial)
National Archives and Records Administration
Girls at Dumbbell Work, c.1909

The printed caption reads: GIRLS AT DUMB BELL WORK AT INDIAN SCHOOL, Carlisle, Pa.

The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Here is the Place we dance. I tell you it goes dandy. Sincerly, Jacob Paul Carlisle, Pa.

Note sent to Elizabeth Young in Roxbury, New Jersey from Jacob Paul in 1909.…

Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections