The first page opened with an untitled selection, opening with the line, “A Man of kindness to his beast is kind,” followed by “A Day In London,” dated July 12, 1888, signed by “A Carlisler,” who is later revealed to be Miss Lowe, and continued on to the fourth page. The report included a visit to St. Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey,…
Standing Rock Agency

The first page opened with the poem, “What Makes A Man,” followed by an article titled, “Interesting Observations At the Indians’ Own Home” reprinting a letter from Joshua Given (Kiowa) who described the social and political news from the Kiowa and Comanche Agency. He reported the activities of students who had returned home from Carlisle. The…

The first page opened with the poem, “What the Flowers Said,” followed by an article reprinted from The Baltimorean, titled "Men Who Were Laughed At,” about how technologies were first spurned. Page two featured several news reports about the band, outing experiences, news from the Rosebud Sioux and Osage Agencies, and an entire column…

Richard Henry Pratt recommends Clara Price to the position of assistant matron at the Grand River Boarding School in the Standing Rock Agency.

Correspondence regarding requests to return from the Carlisle Indian School students who had come from the Standing Rock Agency. The requests focused on a promise that the term of enrollment for Carlisle was three years rather than five years.

William A. Mercer requests authority to arrange for the return of Jesse Twigg to his home following his discharge from the State Reformatory in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania.