Richard Henry Pratt forwards copy of letter outlining requirements for enrollment to the Santee Agency. Pratt notes that he has funds remaining in his transportation funds to cover the costs.
Santee Agency

These materials include a descriptive statement of pupils regarding 10 individuals sent to the Carlisle Indian School from the Santee Agency.

These materials include a descriptive statement of pupils regarding 3 individuals sent to the Carlisle Indian School from the Santee Agency.
Note: Gertrude Simmons later became known as Gertrude Simmons Bonnin and Zitkala-Sa.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to the request from her father to return Lily Felix.

Alfred John Standing responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding correspondence on the health of Jennie Redwing and other students from the Santee Agency who had eye trouble upon arriving at Carlisle.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards statement of Otto Coleman and references regarding his identity as a member of the Rosebud Sioux.