Pratt writes to Rep. Thaddeus C. Pound, sending him stereoviews of the students and providing information about their progress at the school. He notes that now that the work of the schoolroom is successfully underway they will begin fitting up the industrial shops. He observes that by selling the products of the school's industrial program to the Bureau of Indian Affairs he hopes to save the bureau money and also not compete with the local trade in Carlisle.
He boasts of the number of students that chiefs want to send to Carlisle and states "there is a strong current in favor of this kind work among the Indians." Pound had proposed a bill to use vacant military facilities as new schools and Pratt writes he knows of military officers who would be useful in this work.
This material is from the Richard Henry Pratt papers, donated by his family to Yale University in 1959 and 1976. Selected content from the Pratt collection related to the Carlisle Indian School is being added to this site. Yale's complete collection guide is available here: