Student information card of Catherine Smoke, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on August 15, 1889 and departed on June 21, 1894.
Student information card of Catherine Smoke, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on August 15, 1889 and departed on June 21, 1894.
Student file of Charles Green, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on August 15, 1889 and departed on June 21, 1894. The file contains a student information card listing one outing.
Student information card of Daniel Taylor, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on August 15, 1889 and departed on June 21, 1894.
Student information card of David Nahoquom, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on August 15, 1889 and departed on September 30, 1892.
Student file of Emeline Redbird, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on August 15, 1889 and ultimately departed on October 2, 1894. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards.
In school documentation Emeline Redbird is also known as Emma…
Student file of Isabella Willis, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who arrived on August 15, 1889, and departed on June 21, 1894. The file contains a student information card.
Student file of Isaiah Wasaquam, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on August 15, 1889 and ultimately departed June 30, 1897. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, a returned student survey, letters/correspondence, and a report after leaving…
Student file of Jackson B. Walker, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on August 15, 1889, and departed on December 12, 1889. The file contains a student information card listing no additional information.
In school documentation Jackson B. Walker is also known as Jackson Walker.
Student information card of James Jacobs, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on August 15, 1889 and departed on July 22, 1892.
Student information card of Jane Willis, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on August 15, 1889 and departed on July 23, 1892.
Student file of John Micksawby, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on August 15, 1889, and departed on December 12, 1889. The file contains a student information card listing no additional information.
Student file of John S. Kewaygeshik, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on August 15, 1889 and departed on October 1, 1889. The file contains a student information card.
In school documentation John S. Kewaygeshik's name is also spelled John Kewaygeshik, John S. Kewaygesik, and John Kewaygesick.
Student file of Jonah Redbird, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on August 15, 1889 and departed on June 21, 1894. The file contains a student information card listing two outings.
Student file of Jonas Mitchell, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on August 15, 1889, graduated in 1899, and ultimately departed on March 6, 1899. The student did attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains a report after leaving.
In school documentation Jonas Mitchell is also known as…
Student information card of Joseph Fisher, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school for August 15, 1889 and departed on June 30, 1891.
Student information card of Joseph Taylor, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on August 15, 1889 and departed on July 4, 1893.
Student file of Joshua Walker, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on August 15, 1889 and ultimately departed on July 3, 1897. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards.
Student information card of Julius A. Micksawby, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on August 15, 1899 and departed on June 30, 1891.
Student file of Lazarus Willis, a member of the Ottawa nation, who entered the school on August 15, 1889 and ultimately departed June 21, 1894. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, correspondence, a returned student survey, a former student response postcard, a…
Student information card of Louisa Skipegosh, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on August 15, 1889 and departed on February 6, 1891.
Student file of Lucy Pequongay, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on August 15, 1889 and ultimately departed on December 11, 1894. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, a report after leaving, and a returned student survey. The file indicates…
Student file of Lucy Skipegosh, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on August 15, 1889 and departed on February 6, 1891. The file contains a student information card, a returned student survey, a photograph of her and her family, a former student response postcard, correspondence, and a report after leaving indicating she was…
Student information card of Luke Pequongay, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on August 15, 1889 and departed on June 20, 1894.
Student information card of Margaret Mantowash, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on August 15, 1889 and departed on March 14, 1894.
In school documentation Margaret Mantowash's name is also spelled Margaret Mautowash.
Student file of Martha Walker, a member of the Chippewa Nation (also listed as Ottawa nation), who entered the school on August 15, 1889 and eventually departed on July 2, 1897. The file contains student information cards.