
Displaying 201 - 221 of 221 records
color image; view of the Leupp Art Studio, a flag is painted above the roof, the laundry building is visible in the background to the right

The caption on the front of the postcard reads: Studio, U. S. Indian School, Carlisle, Pa. DESIGNED AND BUILT BY STUDENTS.

The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to write a message and where to write the address.


Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; view of the gynasium from the vantage point of the track, a large number of young men occupy the lower floor using equipment or watching those who are using the equipment; the rafters, wall and floor have been painted, the young men scattered throughout the room have not

The caption on the front of the postcard reads: INTERIOR OF GYMNASIUM, INDIAN SCHOOL, CARLISLE, PA.

The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to write a message and where to write the address.


Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; view of corner of the building of large boys' quarters, the building has three levels and porches running across the front of the building, in has been recolored red (like brick) in front, a tree sits in front of the building to the right

The caption on the front reads: Large Boys Quarters, Carlisle Indian School. Carlisle, Pa.

The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to write a message and where to write the address.


Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; view of the printing office (one story building with orange shingled roof), in front of the building is a set of trees and a small group of people (likely students and staff who worked in the printing office)

The caption on the front of the postcard reads: PRINTING OFFICE, U. S. INDIAN SCHOOL, CARLISLE, PA.

The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to write a message and where to write the address.


Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; five people stand in the dispensary of the school hospital, one woman (dressed in all white) stands to the left side watching as two young women give vaccinations to two young men, the young women have long white aprons over blue spotted dresses


There is nothing written on the back.


Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; five people stand in the dispensary of the school hospital, one woman (dressed in all white) stands to the left side watching as two young women give vaccinations to two young men, the young women have long white aprons over blue patterned dresses

The caption of this postcard reads: DISPENSARY AT HOSPITAL, INDIAN SCHOOL, CARLISLE, PA.

Although the postcard was never sent, it was addressed to Mrs. Alice Stone, 701 Caralina St. Cary, Indiana. The message reads: "Dear Sisster, Alice and brother, Oscar I got your letter and saw gat[?]"


Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; view of the school grounds from perspective of the academic building towards the quarters, leaves have been painted onto the trees, in the foreground is a set of students arranged in tight rows (they have not been painted in post-production), the sky is a light teal colo

The caption on the front of the postcard reads: INDIAN SCHOOL, PARADE GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS, CARLISLE, PA.

The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to write a message and where to write the address.


Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
black and white image; large group of students (possibly entire school) lined up in tight rows in the foreground, photograph is taken from perspective of the academic building looking north-east

The caption on the front of the card reads: BATTLION DRILL, INDIAN SCHOOL, Carlisle, Pa.

The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to write a message and where to write the address.


Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; view of the interior of the greenhouse, a bed of pink, white and yellow flowers takes up most of the left side of the photograph, on the right is a path between beds, the poles holding up the roof, and another bed of greenery

The caption on the front of this postcard reads: GREEN HOUSE AT INDIAN SCHOOL, CARLISLE, PA.

The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to write a message and where to write the address.


Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; view of the side of the art studio building, the entrance is just visible on the far left and there is hedgerow and a bit of road in the foreground

The caption on the front of the postcard reads: Leupp Art Studio, designed and built by Indians at Carlisle School, CARLISLE, Pa.

The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to place the stamp and lines for writing the address.


Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; view of campus looking southeast from the new entrance, road over water is in the foreground to the right, in the background is the smokestack, art studio, staff housing, a trolley is also in background on the tracks


The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to write a message and where to write the address.


Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
black and white image; photograph of a figure of a man running with a ball, he is wearing a head-covering, the ball is tucked into his right arm and his left arm is held out as if to fend something off

There is no caption on the front of this postcard.

There are a few numbers or symbols written on the back.


Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
black and white image; in the foreground a group of young women are posed playing croquet, in the middle ground other young women sit on a bench by the band stand or walk, there is also a man with a lawnmower to the right, in the background is the bandstand, girls' quarters and just visible are the gymnasium and large boy's quarters

The caption on this postcard reads: Band Stand and Girls Quarters, Indian Industrial School, Carlisle, Pa.

The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to write a message and where to write the address.


Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
black and white image; in the foreground a group of young women are posed playing croquet, in the middle ground other young women sit on a bench by the band stand or walk, there is also a man with a lawnmower to the right, in the background is the bandstand, girls' quarters and just visible are the gymnasium and large boy's quarters;

The caption on the front reads: Band Stand and Girls Quarters, Indian Industrial, Carlisle, Pa.

The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to write a message and where to write the address.


Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; view from the perspective of the superintendent's quarters looking towards the teachers' quarters and the bandstand, a path arcs towards the quarters in the foreground, trees occupy the background

The caption on the front of the postcard reads: Teachers Quarters and Band Stand, Indian School, Carlisle, Pa. The initials "E. L. W." have been hand-written below the caption.

Although the postcard was never sent, someone wrote "Mr. Fred Erlinger Carlisle Pa" on the back.


Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
sepia image; in the center of the card is a photograhph a young man smiling, he is wearing a school uniform, the band stand is in the background, along the edges of the post card are handwritten words

There is no printed caption on the front of the postcard. Someone has written, by hand, the words Indian Boy at Carlisle Pa. There is also an address on the front: "Van P. Ault. [?] Pa. Box 266."

On the back the card has been addressed to "W. H. Seward Windsor N. Y. Brown Co."


Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
real photo postcard, view of the buildings on the north-west end of campus (includes academic building closest to the viewer, then teachers' quarters, staff housing, and dining hall)

The caption on the front reads: United States Indian School, Carlisle, Pa.

The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to write a message and where to write the address.


Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
real photo postcard, view of section of school campus, male students lounge in the foreground on the tennis courts, female students are scattered in teh middle ground and around the flag pole, in the background is the guard house (to the left) and academic building (to the right)

There is no caption on the front of the postcard nor is there anything written on the back. (The back has remnants of glue though.)


Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; view of campus looking northeast from the academic building, trees have been painted into the foreground and cover most of the buildings that would otherwise be visible (quarters, gymnasium, superintendent's quarters)

The caption on the front of the postcard reads: PARADE GROUNDS, INDIAN SCHOOL, CARLISLE, PA.

The postcard has been sent to a Mrs. Florence Hess of Lemoyne, Pa. The message reads: "Well Florence, I was surprised to hear from one who has been silent so long. I didn't hear one thing of you anymore. We are well Thank you,…

Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; view of the front of the hospital building, eight or nine small trees (with leaves) stand in front of it, the sky is orange along the horizon then blue up above

The caption of this postcard reads: INDIAN SCHOOL HOSPITAL, CARLISLE, PA.

The postcard is addressed to Mrs. Wm. H. Bachman, 120. W. Fourth St., Hazelton, Pa. The message reads: "Carlisle, Pa., Mar. 31, 1921, Dear Mother, Arrived safely in Carlisle at 8.20. P.M. yesterday. That's a good route to come, all fast trains…

Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
black and white image; male students in gymnasium, two using gymnastics equipment with a group of other students watching, also a set of students running in the track in the background

The caption on the front of the postcard reads: BOYS AT HEAVY GYMNASTICS AT INDIAN SCHOOL Carlisle, Pa.

The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to write a message and where to write the address.


Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections