Studio portrait of Sherman Chadlesome.
Photographic Print, B&W
Studio portrait of Alex Sauve in a uniform and holding a clarinet.
Studio portrait of Alfred M. Venne in a uniform and holding a cornet.
Studio portrait of Alva Johnson in a uniform and holding a bass clarinet.
Studio portrait of Ambrose Stone wearing a uniform and holding a clarinet.
Studio portrait of Ben Mashunkashey in a uniform, holding a snare drum and drumsticks.
Studio portrait of Charles McKee in a uniform holding a clarinet.
Studio portrait of Chiltoski Nick in a uniform holding a French horn.
Studio portrait of Daniel Eagle in a uniform posed with a large drum and a cymbal.
Studio portrait of Daniel Tortuga wearing a uniform and holding a saxophone.
Studio portrait of Elijah Wheelock in a uniform posed holding a trombone.
Sewing instructor Elizabeth Searight posed outdoors with twelve female students wearing school uniforms.
Searight worked at the school from roughtly 1901 to 1915.
Studio portrait of Eugene Fisher in a uniform holding a sousaphone.
Studio portrait of Eugene Tibbetts wearing a uniform and holding a clarinet.
Studio portrait of Fitzhugh Lee Smith in a uniform and holding a clarinet.
The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Frank Yarlot & George Pradt. School friends of Mothers.
Studio portrait of Frank Yarlot in a uniform holding a cornet.
Studio portrait of George Willard in a uniform posed holding a bassoon.
Twelve female students wearing dark uniforms with "1903" on the front and baseball-style caps. They are posed in a semicircle, the three in the middle with their feet on a basketball with "1903" written on it.
Studio portrait of Hastings Robertson wearing a uniform and holding an English horn.
Studio potrait of Henry Markistum in a uniform and holding a cornet.
Studio portrait of Henry Tatiyopa wearing a uniform and holding a clarinet.
Studio portrait of Henry Thomas wearing a uniform and holding a cornet.
James E. Johnson in his Carlisle football uniform.
Studio portrait of James King in a uniform holding a cornet.