Reimbursement to Corrugated Bar Company for Freight Charges

September 11 - October 9, 1913

Chicago Warehouse for Indian Supplies Superintendent Frank Sorenson writes to Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman, enclosing an expense bill and bill of lading from Corrugated Bar Company to cover freight charges from Pittsburgh to the Gettysburg Junction and stating that the company is looking for Friedman to reimburse them for these charges. 

Friedman forwards Sorenson's letter to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and asks for directions. Second Assistant Commissioner C. F. Hauke tells Friedman to instruct the company to ask the Office of Indian Affairs for reimbursement.

Time Period
National Archives and Records Administration
RG 75, CCF Entry 121, #111594-1913-Carlisle-265
Reimbursement to Corrugated Bar Company for Freight Charges