The Assistant Superintendent's Quarters with a man, woman, and two children (one in a baby carriage) posed on the porch. The man is probably A.J. Standing.
Assistant Superintendent's Quarters

View of the Assistant Superintendent's Quarters with the family posed on the porch.

Group portrait of what are presumably all or most of the school's students at the time, taken on the grounds of the central campus looking towards the northeast with the Superintendent's House, the Assistant Superintendent's House, the Small Boys' Quarters, and the Hospital in the background.
An inscription on the reverse…

The handwritten note reads: CHOATE
The reverse side reads: Old Guard House Capt. R. H. Pratt Supt. Old Chapel. Supt. Quarters. Ass't Supt. Quarters Small Boys' Quarters. …

A composite of 16 photographs of the school. The captions read: Small Boys’ Quarters, Ass’t. Supt’s. Quarters, Superintendent’s Quarters, Chapel, Guard House, Hospital, Disciplinarian’s Quarters, Band Stand, After School, School Building, Large Boys’ Quarters, Christmas Dinner, School Room, Office & Teachers’ Quarters, Gymnasium,…

Older and younger female students with a dog posed on the lawn of the central campus. Visible behind them, from left to right, are the Athletic Quarters, the Disciplinarian's Quarters, the Small Boys' Quarters and the Assistant Superintendent's Quarters.

View of the sidewalk, lined with trees, looking toward the Assistant Superintendant's Quarters, with the Small Boys Quarters beyond.
Everett Strong was a photographer employed by the school starting in May 1908; he had left before December 1909.