Mitchell W. Arquette (Ka nu sta tsi ka Ga ke nen ttu) Student File

Student file of Mitchell W. Arquette, a member of the St. Regis Nation, who entered the school on September 12, 1906 and ultimately departed on December 3, 1913. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains a student information card, trade/position record card, a medical/physical record, a returned student survey, an application for enrollment, a progress/conduct card, a former student response postcard, an outing record, and a report after leaving.

In school documentation Mitchell W. Arquette's name is also spelled Mitchell Arquette, Michel Arquette, and Michael Arquette. He is known as Ka nu sta tsi ka Ga ke nen ttu.

Note: Another student, also named Mitchell Arquette, entered on October 30, 1906. To reduce confusion between the two, that student is referred to as Mitchell J. Arquette.


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Agency/Reservation of Origin
Year of Entry
National Archives and Records Administration
RG 75, Series 1327, box 80, folder 3785
Mitchell W. Arquette (Ka nu sta tsi ka Ga ke nen ttu) Student File