Student file of Joseph Morrison, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 23, 1890, and departed on January 16, 1893. The file contains a student information card, returned student surveys, a newspaper clipping, a former student response postcard, a trade/position card, and a report after leaving.
The file indicates Morrison worked as an Industrial teacher for one year, as an interpreter for the U.S. Chippewa Commission for four years, as a Government Interpreter for three years in the Indian Service as well as holding positions as a salesman in stores, a bookkeeper in a store and in lumber woods, and as a foreman in a lumber camp. Further Morrison was working as a painter in Red Lake, Minnesota in 1910, lumbering in northern Minnesota in 1911, logging in Red Lake, Minnesota in 1913.
In school documentation Joseph Morrison's name is also spelled Joseph A. Morrison.
Note: Joseph Morrison married another Carlisle student Celicia (or Cecilia) Wheelock.