School News (Vol. 1, No. 6)

Carlisle Barracks, PA
November 1880
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The first page has a short narrative from Joshua Given (Kiowa) on how he went from living in Indian Territory to studying at Carlisle and a brief paragraph from H.C. Roman Nose on how well and enthusiastically the students are learning. The editorial was about how smart Indians started to learn how to live like white men, and how thankful the Carlisle Boys were for the steam heaters in their dorms. It also make mention of a Doctor who would come in every two week to teach the students about staying healthy. In general news, the students hoped that Santa Claus will remember them and bring them useful presents such as neck-ties, pocket knives, and scissors. The final page had Josie Vetter (Iowa) writing a letter to a friend on her want to be a good girl and not play as much in school, as well as three other letters, one talking about how school helps Indians be “useful men and women.”

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Cumberland County Historical Society