Richard Henry Pratt documents his trip to the Rosebud Agency where he attempted to secure ninety students for the school. He notes that after an initial meeting where this was received with much enthusiasm, he failed to gather the allotted students due to the work of the Catholic priest at the agency. Pratt claims that the priest may be opposed…
Wright, James G.

August 11 - November 22, 1883
National Archives and Records Administration

November 13-25, 1883
Richard Henry Pratt forwards a letter from James G. Wright, U.S. Indian Agent for the Rosebud Agency, regarding his previous letter concerning the actions of Father M. Wright.
In addition, there is a letter from A. R. Z. Dawson, the U.S. Commander of the 2nd District of Dakota recommending that Father Craft be forbidden from attending…
National Archives and Records Administration

October 23, 1884
James G. Wright, U.S. Indian Agent for the Rosebud Agency, requests instructions for allowing Cook and Two Strike to visit their children at the Genoa and Carlisle Indian Schools. Both propose to pay their way and a note attached to the letter indicates there is no objection as long as Pratt agrees and there is no Government expense.
National Archives and Records Administration