Student information card of William Winnie, a member of the Seneca Nation, who entered the school on December 21, 1904 and departed on April 6, 1908. Other documentation shows that William Winnie reentered the school in September 1908 and then ultimately departed on April 5, 1909. The file indicates that Winnie graduated in 1908 and was living…
Winnie, David

Student information cards of William Winnie, a member of the Seneca Nation, who entered the school on December 21, 1904 and ultimately departed on April 5, 1909.

Student file of Clarissy Winnie, a member of the Seneca Nation, who entered the school on September 9, 1905 and died at the school on February 19, 1907. Her remains were sent home for burial. The file contains a student information card and an application for enrollment.
In school documentation Clarissy Winnie's name is also spelled…

Student information card of Clarissy Winnie, a member of the Seneca Nation, who entered the school on September 9, 1905 and died on February 19, 1907 while attending the school.
Note: A researcher contacting the project suggests that this student may also be known by the name Clarissa Winnie.

J. R. Wise informs the Office of Indian Affairs of the death of Clarissa Winnie of acute general tuberculosis.