Student file of Diana Beck, a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, who entered the school on August 30, 1895, and departed on May 26, 1903. The file contains student information cards, a returned student survey, former student response postcards, and a report after leaving indicating Beck had been working as a housekeeper in Vincentown…
Tomlinson, B. A.

Student file of Lulu Coates, a member of the Oneida Nation, who entered the school on November 6, 1895, and ultimately departed on January 30, 1908. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, an application for enrollment, and a report after leaving indicating she was…

Student file of Minnie Kane, a member of the Hoopa Nation, who entered the school on July 26, 1897 and departed on June 30, 1903. The file contains student information cards and a report after leaving indicating that she was living in Hoopa, California while working as a housekeeper in 1910.
In school documentation Minnie King's married…

Student information card of Lizzie Wolf, a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, who entered the school on April 5, 1898, graduated in 1908, and ultimately departed on May 4, 1908.
In school documentation Lizzie Wolf's name is also spelled Lizzie Wolfe. She is also known as Elizabeth Wolfe, Mary Elizabeth Wolfe, and Mary E. Wolfe.…

Student information card of Stella Blythe, a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, who entered the school on April 5, 1898, graduated in 1905, and departed on March 23, 1905.
In school documentation Stella Blythe's married name is Stella Blythe Washington (Mrs. Joseph Washington).
Note: Blythe married fellow student Joseph C.…

Student information card of Rose Temple, a member of the Karuk Nation, who entered the school on August 11, 1898, graduated in 1905, and departed on June 30, 1905.
In school documentation Rose Temple's married name is Rose Gilbert.
Note: Although this card lists Rose Temple as Klamath, a researcher has indicated that she is…

Student file of Ella Beck, a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, who entered the school on June 20, 1901, and departed on June 29, 1906. The file contains student information cards, and a report after leaving indicating Beck was working in matron services in Clayton, Georgia in 1910.
In school documentation Ella Beck's married…

Student file of Stacy Beck, member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, who entered the school on June 20, 1901 and ultimately graduated in 1910, departing on April 25, 1910. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, news clippings, trade/position record cards, and…

Student file of Amanda Wolfe, a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, who entered the school on October 3, 1903, and departed on June 23, 1908. The file contains student information cards, a news clipping, a returned student survey, and a report after leaving indicating Wolfe was working as a housekeeper in Folcroft, Pennsylvania in 1910.…