Student information card of Alice Neopet, a member of the Menominee Nation, who entered the school on November 6, 1880 and departed on June 17, 1884.
Neopet, Alice
Student information card of Alice Neopet, a member of the Menominee Nation, who entered the school on November 6, 1880 and departed on June 17, 1884.
On page one Bessie West wrote her “School Father” about what she has been doing since she left Carlisle. On the same page E.C. compared Indian children’s want to go to school to a child who wants to swim, once they are allowed, they will take their fill before leaving. Following on the next page, Charles Kihega (Iowa) explained how little…
Studio portrait of Jennie Waupoose (seated at left), Elizabeth Dixon (seated at rear), and Alice Neopet (seated at right) with teacher Sarah Mather (seated in center). Each girl is holding a doll.
Studio portrait of Jennie Waupoose (seated at left), Elizabeth Dixon (standing at rear), and Alice Neopet (seated at right), with teacher Sarah Mather (seated in center). Each girl is holding a doll.
Note: The Cumberland County Historical Society has three copies of this image: CS-CH-063.1-.2 and PA-CH1-041b.
Studio portrait of Alice Neopet.
Studio portrait of Alice Neopet.