Progress card of Charles Lydick, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on August 28, 1902.
Lydick, Charles

Student file of Charles Lydick, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on August 28, 1902 and departed on March 16, 1907. The file contains a student information card, a former student response postcard, a marriage announcement to Anna Marie Landvik, and a report after leaving indicating that Lydick was working as a storekeeperā¦

Student information card of Charles Lydick, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on August 28, 1902 and departed on March 16, 1907. The file indicates Lydick was living in Hardisty, Alberta, Canada in 1913.
Note: Although this card shows an arrival date of August 25, the admissions ledger and his file suggest that heā¦

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that he has expelled Charles Lydick and requests approval.