Richard Henry Pratt forwards a request for the return of Onondaga children currently enrolled at the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt provides context to the request for the return of the children and determines that it might be best to return the students at their parents expense.
La Fort, Daniel

December 1, 1883 - February 7, 1884
National Archives and Records Administration

February 1884
Petition for the return of James Thomas, Matilda Thomas, and Mary Johnson from the Carlisle Indian School. The petitioners claim that the children were sent to Carlisle under the false pretense that the school was a school for white children that would allow their children to learn English. The petitioners further claim that Richard Henry Pratt…
National Archives and Records Administration

March 3, 1884
J. L. Thomas writes regarding a request from the Onondaga Nation to have their children returned from the Carlisle Indian School. Thomas references the Onondaga Chief Daniel La Fort's visit to Washington where he secured a promise to have the children returned home but has had no word since.
National Archives and Records Administration